29 April 2012

Hawaii Mammii

ALOHA AMERICA!!!! Even though it's not the continental US, I was so happy to walk off the ship onto American soil.  As we stepped off the ship for the last time, we knew it was our last time being able to get off and return to the ship later. 
We walked in the rain to Ken's House of Pancakes.  It is a local favorite and the Hawaiian girls on the ship told us we had to go eat there.  I got a Hawaiian turkey (omg—deli meat!) and a chocolate chip pancake. They had all kinds of flavors of syrup to choose from—coconut, boysenberry, mango, and orange.  It was so nice to order in English and have the server know what you really want.

After Ken's, we went on a helicopter tour! None of us have been in a helicopter so it was really exciting for us.  The ride itself was a little scary at first but it was really fun and relaxing.  We flew over the Mauna Loa grove and factory, the side of the volcano, and a few homes that are built on the cool lava remnants of a previous eruption. I couldn't believe that some people live out in the middle of nowhere until I heard how cheap it is to live there.  The lots are lest than $3,000 for an acre and the homes are pretty cheap as well.  When we flew over the lava, we could see the line where the lava has cooled off and where it is still hot.           

After the helicopter tour, we went to the Mauna Loa factory and store.  The ride to the factory looked vaguely familiar and I realized why—I've been there before!  It was very strange to have this realization so late into my arrival in Hawaii and it was weird to finally travel somewhere that I've been before.  At the Mauna Loa macadamia nut factory, we learned about the process that occurs before I am able to consume the delicious nuts.        

Then, we stopped at Walmart to get beer and drove to Richardson's beach.  It was a black sand beach with rocks and a little cove.  There were a lot of SAS students there and it was nice to relax and take pictures at a nice beach.  It rained a little while we were there but in all, it was a really nice location.  We were observing the cove at the beach and we notice there was a green turtle relaxing in the cove. It was pretty awesome seeing a turtle in its natural habitat.          

Going back to the ship was surreal.  I can't believe it is almost over. But maybe this is just the beginning…

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